Image Credits: Feeding From Far. Picture of a ration kit distributed by the organization in Mumbai.

#CovidSOS: Six Food-Relief Initiatives Where You Can Donate

Yatti Soni
2 min readApr 23, 2021

As the everyday news keeps getting unbearable, we all have found hope in each other. And rightly so, wars like these can only be averted by community action. Beyond our social media bubbles, there are people living an uncertainty that very few of us can imagine. The uncertainty of where their next meal would come from.

Hunger has been the underlying crisis that crept into the lives of the poor as early as 2020 and never left. Now, as India battles its worst wave of covid-19 infections, the survival of vulnerable groups has come into question. NGOs and volunteer groups across India are running fundraisers to enable food security for those affected groups.

Sharing a list of six verified fundraisers:

1. Adivasi Mahila Aapsi Madad Pahal, Bhopal

This initiative is raising funds to enable food security for working-class people of the country, predominantly Adivasi, Dalit, and Bahujan, particularly women. The goal is to collect INR 3,00,000 for 500 families in four Bastis of Bhopal. Reach out to Criminal Justice & Police Accountability Project (@CPAProjectIndia) on Twitter for any queries.

Donate here:

Name: Miss Mona

A/C No: 21710100022686


Google Pay: 8827272195

2. Mazdoor Kitchen, Delhi

Mazdoor Kitchen is working to provide meals to daily wage workers in North Delhi. They have also started an initiative to create new employment opportunities for these daily wage earners.

Donate here:

3. World Hunger Warriors, Bengaluru

World Hunger Warriors delivers hot meals to a slum in Koramangala, Bengaluru. There are about 350 families residing in this area and have been struggling to get three meals a day or clean drinking water.

Donate here:

4. Feeding From Far, Mumbai

‘Feeding From Far’ is distributing ration kits in the Govandi area of Mumbai. Their ration kit consists of: Rice (7 kg), Wheat (7 kg), Chana dal (1.5 kg), Sugar (1 kg), Oil (1 Ltr)., Salt (1 kg), Turmeric powder (150 gms), and Red chilli powder (150 gms). They aim to provide 2 lakh meals to over 7000 people.

Donate here:

5. Enrich Lives Foundation, Mumbai

Enrich Lives Foundation is delivering grocery kits to unemployed low-income families in Mumbai. Small donations like ₹500 can help them provide grocery kits consisting of rice, atta, dal, sugar, oil, spices, etc to these families. Each of these kits is said to help a family survive for 12–15 days.

Donate here:

6. Khaana Chahiye, Mumbai

Khaana Chahiye Foundation has identified a demand for 20,000 meals daily across Mumbai and Thane city. These meals will be catering to those affected by a sudden pause in economic activity including homeless beneficiaries, slum clusters, orphanages and old-age homes.

Donate here:



Yatti Soni

Intersection of technology, journalism and visual design